Your 300TRY would become 4021.31TRY
IFvested Stock
Türk Hava Yollari Anonim Ortakligi
IFvestment Result
Incredible! Your IFvestment more than doubled!Amount IFvested
as of January 2, 2022
Current Value
as of October 8, 2024
Change in Stock
1240.4%your IFvestment
1 USD =
as of January 2, 2022
1 USD =
as of October 8, 2024
Change in USD/TRY
157.37%in same period
As of October 8, 2024, if you've invested 300 TRY in 2022-01-02 in Türk Hava Yollari Anonim Ortakligi (THYAO), it would now be worth 4021.31, a change of 1240.4% from the initial investment.
Your investment of 300 became 4021.31
Stock Name: Türk Hava Yollari Anonim Ortakligi
Exchange: BIST
Stock Currency: TRY
USD start: 13.32
USD now: 34.27
Change compared to TRY: 157.37%
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